Civil Construction, Habitat Restoration

Parc Verdun

Summit Earthworks completed this habitat restoration project on behalf of The District of West Vancouver. The Park amenities and trails/stream bank needed improvements.

In June 2019, District staff conducted an online survey in addition to three park information sessions to determine the interests and priorities of the community with regards to improving Parc Verdun.

A Preliminary Field Reconnaissance (PFR) and Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA) of the property by Summit Earthworks’ resident Archaeologist & Cultural Anthropologist, Gordon Mohs M.A., was conducted in July 2021. As well, a First Nations Monitoring Program of Project Works involving the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) was implemented under the project oversight of Squamish Nation’s Archaeological Manager, Nick Weber, & Referrals Manager, Denise Jensen.

Scope of work included:

  • Demolition and reinstatement of existing sports courts including asphalt paving, fencing, a retaining wall and a practice wall, stream bank works, gravel paving and planting
  • Stream bank improvements included bank erosion control, removing old wood retaining and naturalizing bank, instream improvements for fish habitat
  • The practice wall and surrounding asphalt paving was removed. A new practice wall was constructed inside one of the tennis courts attached to the fencing. The old practice wall area was restored to native planting with seating and a trail connection
  • Trail improvements and fence repairs behind the sports courts



District of West Vancouver