Boulder Creek Dam’s Toe Repair Completed

Summit Earthworks Inc. was selected by the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (“BC Hydro”) to complete Boulder Creek Dam’s Toe Repair. Boulder Creek is a steep mountain creek located West of Hope, BC and a tributary feeding the Wahleach Reservoir (a.k.a. Jones Lake). The diversion berm also protects an intake structure that diverts flows through the berm into Jones Creek for ecological purposes.

General scope, outline and project activities included:

  • Placing grouted riprap underneath a 73 m section of grouted Rip Rap at the toe of Boulder Creek
    Diversion Berm The new riprap toe will be approximately 1.5 m vertical below the existing creek bed for
    scour protection. Riprap as placed at a 1.0 – 1.5H:1V (steeper than the existing bank) to minimize
    encroachment into the channel
  • Placed grout in areas of riprap utilizing specialized pumping equipment to obtain grout penetration.
    Typical riprap layer thickness is approximately 1200 mm
  • Placed a non-grouted riprap toe. This non-grouted riprap (voids filled with naturally occurring sand and
    gravels) will act as self-launching toe protection and provide additional toe scour protection
  • Backfilling over the new grouted toe to re-establish the channel bed


Amazing work by our Summit crew in completing this project on time and within budget.