Leq’á:mel First Nation (LDLP)/Summit Earthworks Joint Venture Update
Summit is pleased to be working for Dzawada’enuxw of Kingcome Inlet under our Leq’á:mel First Nation (LDLP)/Summit Earthworks Joint Venture. We sincerely thank DFN Operations Manager Diana Dick and Chief Willie Moon for this opportunity, who played very critical roles in completing this project.
The main component of this project was the construction of a Solid Waste Management Centre. The Centre will provide short term storage for recyclables, solid, and hazardous wastes. The Centre will help the community meet their objective of further reducing the amount of waste it sends for common disposal. An additional key benefit of the Centre is assisting the community in protecting their natural environment and the Kingcome River, which are vital to the Nation.
Additional aspects of this challenging project involved removing derelict vehicles, demolition of derelict structures, installing a barge ramp, road upgrades, and improvement to fish habitat.