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Derwent Way Soil Transfer and Barge Loading Facility

Trucking Routes

TMP_Site Access Truck Routes (3)

Construction Notification

July, 2023



PER Permit No. 16-271

Permit amendment issued

In July 2023, amendment PER No. 16-271-01 was issued to Summit Earthworks Inc. (the Permit Holder) extending the validity of the original permit and approving a minor modification to the scope of the approved project located at 430 Salter Street, New Westminster, B.C., on federal lands and waters managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. 

About the amendment:

The Permit Holder requested to extend the validity of the permit which was set to expire on April 30, 2023. In addition, the permit holder sought authorization to install a water main to service the site. 

Permit issued

In April 2021, a project permit was issued to Summit Earthworks Inc. to develop the Derwent Way Soil Transfer and Barge Loading Facility at the parcel southeast of the intersection at Derwent Way and Salter Street in New Westminster, BC on federal lands and waters managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

The project was approved subject to 74 permit conditions the permit holder must meet to ensure the project does not result in significant adverse environmental effects. Please see the Impact Assessment Act Registry for the Notice of Intent and Notice of Decision.


July 27th, 2021



PER Permit No. 16-271

Project Overview

Summit Earthworks (Summit) has received approval from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA; the port authority) to build a new soil transfer and barge facility on a vacant lot adjacent to Derwent Way that is under the jurisdiction of the port authority.

The soil transfer and barge facility design includes the following components:

  • A lined, paved and covered material storage area
  • Containment walls
  • Noise, aesthetic and dust mitigation features
  • A scale house
  • Truck wheel wash station
  • Water treatment system
  • Fuel storage tank
  • Conveyor/marine infrastructure
  • Supporting civil infrastructure such as roads and drainage

Construction Activities

Construction of the project will include the following phases:

  • Site Preparation and Land Construction – site clearing and tree removal, rail monitoring installation, rough grading and excavation, utilities installation, soil storage area and roof construction, scale installation, water treatment installation, fuel storage tank installation, fine grading and paving and site restoration
  • Marine Construction – piling and conveyance system installation

Construction Schedule

Construction began as announced in August 2021. Following a pause in construction due to weather and engineering review we are scheduled to resume construction mid February. The site preparation and land-based construction phase is anticipated to continue into late Spring/early Summer 2022. For updates and changes please visit our facility webpage (

The marine infrastructure is scheduled to begin Fall 2022 into early 2023 during allowable periods for in water works.

Construction and physical activities related to the facility will occur between Monday and Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

Potential Construction Impacts

The primary potential impacts during construction will be:

  • Truck traffic – No routine or consistently scheduled truck traffic is required for the construction phase of the project
  • Noise and dust – Industry best practices and management plans will be followed during construction to reduce noise and dust
  • Lighting – Site lighting will be added as needed and directed down onto the site, in accordance with the port authority lighting guidelines

Contact Information

Summit is committed to ongoing communication during construction and operations. Information and updates will be placed on the project website

Further to the public engagement events and public comment period held in Summer 2020, we have prepared a summary and considerations report to capture all public consultation feedback received. A pdf copy of the report is now available for viewing below. We have also re-posted a pdf copy of our previous summary and considerations report relating to the first public comment period, which took place in 2017.

Please refer to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s webpage for additional project related information.

Public Engagement Summary and Considerations Report PDF – Oct 9, 2020

Public Consultation Summary and Consideration Report PDF – Apr 25, 2019

  • Port Authority: For questions about the Port Authority’s Project and Environmental Review of the project, please contact the port authority at  or 604.665.9047.