Thames Creek Habitat Restoration Project
Habitat Restoration

Thames Creek – Valley Road

Summit Earthworks Inc. was selected by the Corporation of the District of North Vancouver to complete a channel restoration & bank protection project within a confined section of Thames Creek between residential properties on the 4600 Block of Ramsay Road and Valley Rd.

Major rain events in 2014 caused major flooding of the channel, resulting in loss of bank materials and scouring on Thames Creek.  The intent of this project was to reinstate bank integrity and address channel confinement.  Thames Creek is moderately steep, and the existing bank construction is mixed along the reach and includes; large angular rip rap, construction waste, cement filled backs and mortared rock walls, with a private pedestrian bridge upstream.

Summit imported locally sourced rip rap to reconstruct the eroding banks and installed stabilizing weirs within the channel.  Temporary access to the channel was achieved via 4657 Valley road by constructing a temporary access ramp so that equipment could traverse the creek bed. Several sections of the bank (61m in Length) were reconstructed using Class 250kg Rip Rap, Structural Soil and Non-Woven Geotextiles to achieve a 1:1 slope.

The general scope outline and project activities include:

  • Tree Falling, Chipping and disposal of 2 Large Western Red Cedars, 3 Red Maples, and 3 Pyramid Cedars as directed by the District of North Vancouver.
  • Construction of Access ramp into the creek bed from adjacent residential driveway on Valley Rd.
  • Clearing, Grubbing & Disposal.
  • Impanation of Creek Flow Isolation.

Creek Bank & Channel Restoration 1:1 H:V Slope

  • 61 Lin. m. (108 m3) of Class 250kg Rip Rap.
  • 22 m3 of Structural Soil.
  • 100 m2 of Non-Woven Geotextiles.
  • 14 Lin. m. of 1200 mm Angular Rock to construct 5 Creek Bed Stabilization Weirs.
  • Re-appointing of existing Grouted River Rock Wall on south west creek channel bank.
  • 39 Tons of Round River Rock 40-140mm “Coho Gravel”.
  • 200mm PVC Storm Sewer Extension.
  • 100mm PVC Drainage Service Extension.
  • Removal of Access Ramp and Reinstatement of 8 Lin. m. of Creek Bank using 75mm Minus Pit Run, Geo Grid, Non-woven Geotextiles & Rip Rap Class 250kg 0.6:1 H:V Slope.
  • Repaving of Residential Driveway 742 ft2.
  • Restoration of Laydown Areas with 150mm Growing Medium, Sodding & Coco Matting.

Thames Creek Habitat Restoration Project


The City of North Vancouver